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After Ronaldo's controversial goal was reversed, the referee apologised

A time game is now in development. I'm hoping for a 2-2 draw in this match. Cristiano Ronaldo, like a true king, scored the team's w...


A time game is now in development. I'm hoping for a 2-2 draw in this match. Cristiano Ronaldo, like a true king, scored the team's winning goal this time. The 36-year-old Portuguese forward began celebrating his team's victory over Serbia in a World Cup qualifier. Alexander Mitrovich appeared out of nowhere at that time. He stretched his legs as soon as he reached the goal line.

At first glance, Mitrovic seemed incapable of stopping the target. It looked that way after seeing the replay. However, the goal was not determined by the assistant referee on the goal line! The decision was also supported by the original referee.The captain of the Portuguese ship exploded in anger. The referee, on the other hand, has brought it. Instead, Ronaldo received a yellow card for criticizing the decision. Ronaldo became enraged and threw the captain's armband away. But the game isn't yet over!

Following the match, he took to Instagram to justify his behavior. He said that he was unable to hold his head down because the referee's decision had robbed his country. As much as he could, he protested for himself.

The World Cup qualifiers have begun well for Portugal. Despite not performing as well as expected against Azerbaijan at home on Wednesday, Ronaldo was able to return with a victory. After yesterday's first half, it seemed that Portugal will keep its winning streak going into the second match.The 2016 Euro champions took a 2-0 lead thanks to two goals from Diego Jotta. Serbia, on the other hand, paid the price for two goals in the second half.

Then, just before the game ended, Ronaldo received a fantastic cross from Nuno Mendez. He also deceived the goalkeeper, but due to a refereeing error, he was denied the target.

The Portuguese captain, who played for Juventus, was not interested in playing because he was disappointed. Meanwhile, Ronaldo exited the field when Serbia was taking a kick as the goalkeeper.In a fit of frustration, he hurled the captain's armband onto the field as he walked away. There will be no anger or questioning about why! Ronaldo scored the game-winning goal in the final minute of the extra three minutes; the goal was thus wrongly canceled!

Many people, however, did not approve of Ronaldo tossing armbands like this. Many people on social media think this is an insult to the nation. Many have said that Ronaldo is incapable of doing so as a captain. The Juventus player has embraced the weapon of social media response as a weapon.‘Being the captain of the Portugal team is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life, and it makes me proud,' Ronaldo wrote on Instagram. I always give my best for the country and will continue to do so; this will never change. However, staying right (keeping a level head) is not always possible, particularly when you think an entire nation is being robbed.

Fernando Santos, Portugal's coach, saw no flaws in the captain. "I've been told he didn't do well," the Euro-winning coach said when asked about Ronaldo tossing his armband. It would be normal for Portugal to be disqualified despite scoring the game's winning goal.

The responsibility of the football governing body for the goal cancellation dispute can be found. In all of the vital World Cup qualifier matches, there is no video assistant refereeing (VAR). VAR is a debatable tool that may or may not work. However, UEFA will not have the world's most well-known and perfect goal-line technology in football!The ball is combined with the goal line in this technology, and the goal is written on the referee's watch-like system in a fraction of a second. There would be less debate if technology existed yesterday.Surprisingly, he did not use the technology in the World Cup's pivotal matches. He has been entrusted with the responsibilities of the referee's assistants. And yesterday, referee Pani McClelly denied Ronaldo a goal because he couldn't settle on the assistant goal.

The Dutch referee erred in his decision at the end of the game. ‘The referee has apologised, and I thank him for that,' says Portugal coach Fernando Santos. However, in such a competition, it cannot be believed that there is no VAR or goal-line technology.Within, the ball moved half a meter. Between the goalkeeper and the goal line, there was no obstacle. It was obvious. While he (McClelly) expressed regret to me, this did not resolve the issue. Since they are human, the referees must make mistakes. So that's why VAR was brought in.'

Meanwhile, Ronaldo will take the field against Luxembourg next Tuesday, forgetting about the frustration of not scoring a goal. ‘Raise your head and get ready for the next test,' Ronaldo said, referring to the so-called poor Luxembourg, who shocked Ireland at home yesterday. 'Go ahead, Portugal.'

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